What is HICU Technology?

What is HICU Technology?

The Technology dwells on new innovation of construction of houses that is quick and cost saving. The Technology achieves these objectives through smart intervention on Substructure construction, wall construction and Suspended floor construction of a house/ building.

Revolutionary HICU Suspended Ground floor slab for Substructure Construction

Most areas of the country are made up of black cotton soil. The existing know how on building permanent houses on such soils entails bulk excavation of black cotton soil and refilling the excavated area with hardcore.

This is based on the theory that since cotton soil is expansive best solution is to get rid of it wholesome. What if we allowed the cotton to expand and co-exist with it? We could support the building through columns and bases which rest on rock and suspend the ground floor slab to some height that allows cotton to expand and shrink without affecting the slab and building structure.
This is the thinking behind the revolutionary suspended ground floor slab. To suspend the ground floor slab HICU products are used with great savings on time, cost of materials and cost of labour.

HICU Wall Construction

The limiting factor in wall construction is the horizontal mortar joint which only allow four courses of blocks per day in construction. By incorporating horizontal mechanical joint in the HICU Blocks we have overcome this limitation thereby allowing the mason to build vertically as much as possible.
Due to the horizontal interlocking of HICU blocks the speed of construction of walls in a house is greatly increased leading to great savings in time, labour and materials cost.

Suspended HICU Hollow Pot Slab

The cheapest suspended slab to construct is the hollow pot slab due savings on concrete and
reinforcement bars for the slab besides benefit realized in the lighter slab such savings in beams,columns and foundation.
With HICU Hollow pots the saving is made even greater due to the savings in reduced use shutter formwork (uses 30 percent only).

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